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Holy Rosary Schools Academics

Holy Rosary School teaches Christian values consistent with the Gospel and encourages students to apply these values to daily life.  Through the cooperative efforts of teachers and parents, the school seeks to provide experiences for each child to develop initiative, self-reliance and self-realization.  In this effort, we hope to develop strong Christians who will become the leaders of tomorrow.  The school creates a Community of Faith through meaningful liturgical services, prayer experiences, Bible study, school assemblies and parish and community service activities.  The religious education program strives to reflect the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

2K, 3K & 4K:

• Socialization, sharing, listening, following directions, taking turns and learning to follow the
  daily routine
• Basic learning concepts that will be the foundation of further education
• 4-year-old program is a more structured curriculum but continues to strive for the same
  goals as 2K and 3K
• Prepare the students for readiness and success in kindergarten
• Tennessee Department of Education certified by the state

Kindergarten - 2nd grade:

• K-2 classes are designed for whole group, small groups and individualized instruction
• teach life-long learning habits focusing on the Catholic faith
• Fundamentals of each core subject: Language Arts, Handwriting, Math, Science , Social
  Studies and Religion
• Spanish is introduced in kindergarten and will be taught throughout
3rd-5th grades:

• Students expand their knowledge of the core subjects which are more comprehensive
  moving from the strong basic foundation to more complex concepts
• Reading emphasizes reading fluency, vocabulary development and reading comprehension
• Addition and multiplication facts which the students have mastered, higher math skills such
  as; regrouping in subtraction, solving word problems, fractions, place value and geometry,
  are taught
• Social Studies, Science and Religion are included in their daily schedule
6th-8th grades:

• Preparatory tract for high school with challenging instruction combined with the
  development of critical thinking skills
• One-to-one laptop program is implementing the computer as an integral tool used by these
• Core subjects of Reading, Grammar, Math, Science, Social Studies and Religion are taught
  daily in a departmentalized schedule, changing classes daily
• Grammar and Reading focus on building all literacy skills; English, spelling vocabulary and
  creative writing as well as comprehension
• Three years of Math are sequential, starting with basic Math and moving to algebra and
• Science covers the scientific method, earth science and biology
• Social Studies will explore World History, Geography and US History
• Religion classes focus on the Bible-Old Testament and New Testament and in the 8th grade
  prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation and a brief overview of the history of the
  Catholic Church
• Junior High offers Honors Courses in Reading and Math