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Student Council

The Holy Rosary Student Council is elected by Middle School students who are committed to embracing and promoting the school’s mission. Using a variety of school activities, they encourage and work to create student enthusiasm and school spirit. They, along with their moderators, lead various events such as Lip Sync and the Christmas Bazaar. The funds they raise go directly to the school for a gift of the principal's choice.

Beta Club

Beta Club is a service organization for 8th grade students with membership being based on good grades and good behavior. Beta Club gives students a chance to use leadership skills along with serving others in our school, church, and community. 

Drama Club

Holy Rosary Theater allows students to use their performing arts skills on stage or off. The
Theater department offers two creative outlets for students during the school year: Drama
Club and the Spring Musical.

Drama club: Drama club is an after-school elective that works on refining beginning and
returning actors' skills and performance. Actors practice improv, staging, audition prep and
other helpful skills to prepare them for their time on the stage. Drama club is open to 5th-8th
grade students.

Spring Musical: During the Spring semester, the Theater department will choose a musical or
play to produce and perform. Unlike the Drama Club, students must audition to be in the
Spring Production. Auditions are open to 5th-8th students and are held in the fall semester.
Students do not need to be in Drama Club to audition.


The Holy Rosary School Choir is composed of members from 3rd-8th grade. The choir is an
extremely important ministry within Holy Rosary School, allowing students to do their musical
talents to glorify the Lord.

The Holy Rosary School Choir is broken into 4 individual groups:

-Blue and Gold Choir (3rd -5th grade)
-Middle School Choir

-Cantors (students who lead the individual mass parts)


Girls and boys at Holy Rosary have opportunities to be involved in scouting from kindergarten or first grade throughout their elementary and middle school years.  Tiger Cubs and Daisies are the initial programs beginning in first grade and kindergarten.  The older children continue to Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Brownies, and Girl Scouts.  The Cub Scout program is led by Mr. Chris Johnson and Boy Scouts are headed by Mr. Daniel Russell.  The Girl Scouts coordinator for Holy Rosary is Mrs. Becky Joyner.

For additional Boy Scout information, visit:

Troop 274

For additional Girl Scout information, contact:

Becky Joyner, Girl Scout Leader -

Girl Scouts Heart of the South Council -