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Holy Rosary Parents' Organization

The Holy Rosary Parents' Organization (HRPO) includes parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. HRPO creates closer relationships with the parents of the children of Holy Rosary School while working together with the Pastor and Administration.

HRPO meetings are held in the Family Room during the months of September, October, November, February, March, and April.  Specific dates for each meeting are provided on the school calendar. Dinner and childcare are provided at each meeting.

The following individuals make up the HRPO Executive Board:

President: Marcy Crews
Treasurer: Kelsey Taylor
Secretary: Jessica Kelso
Parliamentarian: Jennifer Ott

Interested in learning how to become more involved with HRPO? Please visit our website at Holy Rosary Parents’ Organization


Holy Rosary Mens Club

All men of Holy Rosary Church and School are encouraged to join and participate in the Men’s Club. The Men’s Club subsidizes the Holy Rosary School sports programs.  Our main fundraiser is the annual Memphis Italian Festival, held at the end of May each year at Marquette Park.  

The Men’s Club meets on the third Thursday of each month in the school art room.

Men's Club Executive Board
President ~ Josh Vanelli
Treasurer ~ Brian Thoren
Secretary ~ Joe Lane
Past President ~ Dennis Hawkins

Memphis Italian Festival (MIF)
The Memphis Italian Festival is the primary funding source for the Holy Rosary Catholic School athletic program. This funding allows for a more comprehensive and higher-quality sports program.

The Memphis Italian Festival is sponsored by Holy Rosary School and relies on our hardworking volunteers.  Families are encouraged to volunteer at the festival.  For more information, visit the MIF website.